How to Avoid the Rental Listing Scam?

Medical Testing: Free or Fraudulent?

Shopping Online More? Thieves Are Too!

Start Your Own Business – Profits Guaranteed!

Flipping Money Scams on Social Networks!

Over 90 Million Coronavirus-Impacted Kids Need Financial Literacy Now.

What You Need to Know About Mortgage Forbearance

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Predators

Can Your Credit Card Limit Be Lowered?

How to See through the Schemes of Fraudsters

Make Healthy Skepticism a Habit! 10 Easy Steps to Improve Your Financial Habits

Talking About a Rip-Off!

Robocalls - Do You Feel (Un)Lucky?

IRS Extends Filing Deadline. Should You Wait?

18 or under? Questions About the Coronavirus?

These Sites and Articles May Help You Weather the Impact of the Coronavirus

FoolProof Exclusive: Free STEM Game for the Summer

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Needs Vs. Wants: Getting Down and Dirty with That Budget

Do You Know These 8 Coronavirus Scams and Myths?

FoolProof & Walter Cronkite

"The FoolProof Foundation believes there is a fundamental flaw in the teaching of financial literacy."

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